Guide To Writing The National Honor Society Essay + Examples

Guide To Writing The National Honor Society Essay + Examples

If you are starting to think about college applications, you have likely heard about extracurricular activities a time or two. Participation in extracurricular activities like clubs, sports, and internships can help pave the way for college acceptance. One great club to join if you’re looking to stand out academically is the National Honor Society (NHS).

If your school has an active National Honor Society chapter, you will need to apply to become a member. Each active chapter must have a published description of their selection procedure in an official school publication, so learning the steps you need to take shouldn’t be hard. If you are having a hard time finding information about your chapter, you can use the online Chapter Finder tool or check with your school’s NHS advisor or school administration.

It’s likely that your application will require a National Honor Society essay in addition to scholarship requirements (like a specific GPA), community service, leadership experiences, and demonstrated good character. These requirements follow the pillars of membership for the NHS. If you are gearing up to write your essay, you have come to the right place. Here is everything you need to know about writing the best National Honor Society Essay.

Step One: Ask For NHS Essay Examples

Video: Honor Society Essay: Top Tips for Writing

Your chapter advisor may have a general essay prompt. This can cause many students to overthink or stress over their essays. By asking for NHS essay examples, you can get a better idea of what your chapter advisor is looking for. You can better understand the tone, style, length, and general content needed.

However, if your chapter advisor will not offer example NHS essays, no worries. Here is a sample of a student essay from Olathe West High School:

Being a member of the National Honors Society is a great honor. I believe that I not only exude leadership in an academic setting, but beyond that as well. One reason I would be a great representative of this institution is because of my grit and determination. I have worked so incredibly hard to earn the opportunity to even be considered for the National Honors Society. Although I had to overcome many obstacles, the concept of perseverance was especially important throughout the journey.

Another quality I can speak to is my positive attitude. I have always tried to make it a priority to exemplify a sense of profitableness in the midst of both success, and hardship. There are many qualities that make up a good leader, and I hope that I can set an example for others. However, one of my greatest weaknesses as a leader is my lack of ability to implement my thoughts into action. I have the tendency to simply “go with the flow” or remain quiet.

Furthermore, I also tend to do things all at once, instead of spreading things out. This can result in unneeded stress and anxiety. Overall, I definitely have my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. I hope that by being a part of opportunities that provide me with a role of leadership, I will gain more strengths, and learn how to cope with my weaknesses.

It is important to keep in mind that this is only one of many NHS essay examples. It may not match the prompt of your specific chapter. As always, it’s important to use your own words and let any example NHS essays only be used to guide your work.

Step Two: Focus on Each of the Membership Pillars

In your essay, it’s also likely the prompt will ask you to address how you portray the four membership pillars.


Scholarship is the first of the four pillars. NHS national policy requires each chapter to set a cumulative GPA requirement. The minimum is a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Although this is proven through your transcripts, you can refer to your GPA in your essay. Many NHS essay examples also address how their grades show their grit and determination to go above and beyond in school and their everyday life.


The service pillar refers to voluntary contributions you have made without compensation. Service can reference actions for both school and your community. For example, service can be participation in an event like a bake sale or community clean-up day.

In your essay, it’s important to discuss what contributions you made, any accolades, and how this opportunity impacted you. Example NHS essays reference service in ways that may explain how volunteering at a local pet shelter, homeless shelter, or suicide hotline has helped the individual recognize needs in the community. It can also help create self-confidence, and leadership skills, and helps you meet others. Be sure you have written and signed documentation for any service projects you reference in your essay and application.


The third pillar, Leadership, is defined by positions, roles, or skills in this area. You can identify specific leadership skills you possess such as good communication, strategic thinking, positivity, or time management. You can also address specific situations in which you have demonstrated successful leadership.


The final pillar, character, is about showing your high standards of honesty and reliability. You will need to demonstrate and explain how you are courteous and respectful of others. Your advisor may access your disciplinary records, so be sure to openly address any issues and identify how you have grown and learned from them.

For example, if you were suspended your Freshman year, this may not mean you are automatically denied. Use this experience as a learning opportunity and explain how it changed you for the better.

Step Three: The Art of Bragging

One important thing to learn throughout your high school career is the art of bragging. When you apply for college, jobs, scholarships, clubs, and beyond you need to humbly express your positive qualities, values, and experiences. It’s important to use these opportunities to highlight your accomplishments. If you are writing something that feels a little “braggy”, there are a few things you can do to improve your statement.

First, it’s most important, to be honest. Don’t say that your canned foods drive donated the most food in the state if it isn’t true. It’s great to list statistics, numbers, or facts, but only if they’re accurate.

It’s also important to consider your tone. If you feel your statement is a bit dramatic, it probably is. Consider tying your success to a value instead. For example, instead of saying you are the Captain of the Lacrosse Team and have led the team to a championship, start by discussing your journey in leadership – after a few challenging games you learned better communication and how to confront mistakes which helped you lead the team to a winning season. This shows the reader that you are developing important skills and are willing to work hard for your accomplishments.

Step Four: Edit

Learning to edit your essays is an essential and necessary skill. After you complete your first draft, go back to the essay prompt. Highlight exactly what it is asking you to do. Then, read through your essay and identify the areas in which you answer the question(s) in the prompt. If there is something you are missing, you can easily add it. Then read your essay with a fine tooth comb to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors. You can also take another look at any NHS essay examples and be sure your tone and response fit.

Pro Tip: If your NHS chapter is known for being selective, it may be beneficial to ask a friend, parent, or your English teacher to look over your essay. They can help to ensure you have met and exceeded the guidelines.

Step Five: The Best National Honor Society Essay

If you follow each of these steps you can feel confident you are submitting the best National Honor Society Essay. Be sure to check for important deadlines as well as how the essay needs to be turned in. As obvious as it may seem, a late essay or one sent to the wrong email address may be disqualified. Your NHS chapter may only accept applications at certain times of the year so it’s important to stay in the loop and on top of any deadlines. Some chapters may also require a fee or other documentation.

NHS Essay Examples: Crafting the Perfect Essay

Video: How to Write a National Honor Society Essay

Writing an essay for the National Honor Society (NHS) can be a daunting task. It’s your chance to showcase your achievements, leadership skills, and commitment to service. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Here are some stellar examples to inspire your own NHS essay.

Highlighting Leadership and Service Example

Introduction: From organizing community clean-ups to leading my school's student council, I have always believed in the power of collective effort to bring about positive change. As a nominee for the National Honor Society, I am eager to continue my journey of leadership and service, guided by the principles that define the NHS.

Leadership: Leadership, to me, is not just about holding a title but about inspiring and motivating others. As the president of the student council, I initiated a mentorship program that paired upperclassmen with freshmen to help them navigate high school life. This program not only improved the freshmen's academic performance but also fostered a sense of community and belonging. Leading this initiative taught me the importance of empathy, organization, and the impact of small acts of guidance.

Service: Service has been a cornerstone of my personal philosophy. Volunteering at the local food bank has opened my eyes to the pressing issues of food insecurity in our community. I organized a series of food drives, which collected over 2,000 pounds of food in six months. Through these efforts, I learned the value of perseverance and the profound impact that dedicated service can have on individuals' lives.

Conclusion: Being a part of the National Honor Society would be an incredible honor. It would allow me to expand my efforts in leadership and service, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to make a broader impact. I am committed to upholding the values of the NHS and contributing positively to both my school and community.

Emphasizing Academic Excellence and Character Sample

Introduction: Academic excellence and strong character are the pillars upon which I have built my high school career. As a prospective member of the National Honor Society, I am excited to bring my dedication and integrity to a community of scholars who share my values.

Academic Excellence: Academics have always been a priority for me, not just for the grades, but for the joy of learning and discovery. My commitment to academic excellence is reflected in my 4.0 GPA and my involvement in Advanced Placement courses. I believe that education is a lifelong journey, and I strive to inspire my peers to approach learning with the same enthusiasm and curiosity.

Character: Character is what defines us when nobody's watching. I pride myself on being a person of integrity and kindness. Whether it’s standing up against bullying or offering support to a classmate in need, I consistently strive to do the right thing. My participation in the school's peer mediation program has equipped me with the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and foster a more inclusive environment.

Conclusion: The National Honor Society represents a unique opportunity to continue growing as a leader and a scholar. I am eager to contribute my academic prowess and unwavering character to the NHS, and I look forward to collaborating with fellow members to uphold the society’s esteemed values.

NHS Essay Example 1

From the moment I stepped into high school, I knew I wanted to make a difference. Joining the National Honor Society (NHS) represents the pinnacle of that goal. It is not just about academic achievement; it is about being a beacon of leadership, service, and character.

My journey began in freshman year when I joined the student council. I quickly took on leadership roles, including serving as vice president during my junior year. My most notable project was organizing a charity drive for a local children's hospital, which successfully raised over $5,000 in donations. This experience taught me the importance of community and the power of collective effort.

Academically, I have always challenged myself to strive for excellence. Enrolling in Advanced Placement courses in subjects like Chemistry, Calculus, and Literature has pushed me to expand my knowledge and critical thinking skills. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA while balancing extracurricular activities has been demanding but rewarding. My academic endeavors are fueled by a genuine curiosity and a desire to understand the world better.

Service is a core value I hold dear. I have dedicated numerous hours to volunteering at the local food pantry, where I help organize and distribute food to those in need. Additionally, I mentor younger students in our school's peer tutoring program. Watching them grow and succeed is incredibly fulfilling, and it reinforces my belief in the impact one can have through service.

Character and integrity are principles I live by daily. I have participated in my school's ethical leadership program, where we engage in discussions and activities centered on making ethical decisions and fostering a positive school environment. These experiences have honed my ability to navigate complex situations with honesty and respect.

The National Honor Society embodies the ideals I strive for: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. As a member, I hope to continue my journey of personal and academic growth, inspiring others to achieve their best and contribute positively to our community. I am eager to collaborate with like-minded peers and take on new challenges that will prepare me for future endeavors.

In conclusion, I am honored to be considered for membership in the National Honor Society. I believe my dedication to academics, commitment to service, and strong character align with the values of the NHS. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to this esteemed organization and continue my journey of making a meaningful impact. Thank you for considering my application.

NHS Essay Example 2

Since my earliest days in school, I have been driven by a passion for understanding society and making a positive impact. The National Honor Society (NHS) represents an ideal opportunity to expand this passion, combining my dedication to academics and community service with leadership and character.

My interest in societal issues has been a cornerstone of my high school experience. As president of the Social Justice Club, I have organized numerous events aimed at raising awareness about issues such as racial equality, gender rights, and environmental sustainability. One of our most successful projects was a community-wide seminar on climate change, which brought together local activists, students, and educators to discuss actionable steps for a greener future. This experience has deepened my understanding of social issues and the importance of advocacy.

Academically, I have always sought to challenge myself. Enrolling in Advanced Placement courses in History, Sociology, and Government has broadened my perspective on the complexities of society. Maintaining a 3.8 GPA while engaging in these demanding courses has been a testament to my commitment to academic excellence. My research paper on the impact of social media on political polarization was recognized at the state level, highlighting my ability to conduct thorough and impactful research.

Service is a fundamental aspect of my life. Volunteering at the local community center, I have been involved in organizing after-school programs for children from low-income families. These programs provide educational support and recreational activities, aiming to create a nurturing environment for personal and academic growth. Additionally, I have participated in food drives and fundraising events for various social causes, reinforcing my belief in the power of community service.

Leadership is another area where I have sought to make a difference. As captain of the debate team, I have guided my peers through rigorous preparations for competitions, fostering a spirit of teamwork and perseverance. This role has not only improved my public speaking and critical thinking skills but also taught me the value of listening and empathy. Furthermore, I serve as a peer mediator, helping to resolve conflicts and promote a positive school culture.

Character is the bedrock of all my endeavors. Integrity, empathy, and resilience are values that I strive to embody in every aspect of my life. I have been recognized by my teachers and peers for my commitment to these principles, receiving the school's Character Award for two consecutive years. Participation in the Ethics Bowl has further sharpened my ability to navigate complex moral dilemmas and reinforced my dedication to ethical behavior.

The National Honor Society offers a unique platform to further my academic and societal contributions. As a member, I hope to collaborate with like-minded individuals to initiate projects that address pressing social issues and promote academic excellence. I am eager to take on new challenges and continue growing as a leader and scholar.

In conclusion, I am honored to apply for membership in the National Honor Society. My dedication to societal issues, academic achievement, service, and character aligns with the core values of the NHS. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this esteemed organization and to further my journey of making a positive impact. Thank you for considering my application.

Tips for Writing Your NHS Essay

Video: #Transizion National Honor Society: Everything You Need to Know

Final Thoughts

Being a part of your high school’s NHS chapter offers some great benefits. The NHS national office will send information about programs, activities, and opportunities to your verified student account. The NASSP, the parent organization of the NHS also awards $2 million in scholarships each year. The National Honor Society is a great extracurricular activity and one you definitely want to join.

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Additional Resources:

If You Want To Look Forward For The Best Essay. Check Out Here: Top 40 College Essay Ideas and Topics