Factsheet Guidance for National Strategic Planning for Tuberculosis

Factsheet Guidance for <a href=National Strategic Planning for Tuberculosis" />

A national strategic plan (NSP) for TB is a key document that guides national authorities and stakeholders in how to comprehensively address the TB epidemic through interventions within the health sector and across other sectors. These interventions are implemented as part of collective efforts towards achievement of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). National strategic planning is a critical step for ensuring that the TB response at country level reflects the changing context at national, regional and global level. The NSP guides efforts to end TB, and it should contribute to strengthening

Primary Health Care (PHC) and the attainment of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the SDGs.

The ‘Guidance for national strategic planning for tuberculosis’ encourages the use of a people-centeric focus in the development of national TB strategic plan (NSP). It highlights the importance of government stewardship and ownership, promotes alignment with national health strategy and other health programmes, emphasizes multi stakeholder and multi-sectoral engagement as one of the key steps for multisectoral accountability for TB. It incorporates new guidelines, tools and approaches to TB programming and planning, and lessons learned.