Affordable Dental Insurance Plans

Dental insurance works differently than traditional health insurance. To put things in perspective, the average cost of a dental bridge can be anywhere from $500 to $1,500. 1 Having some type of affordable dental insurance plan can dramatically reduce that cost. Dental insurance premiums can range from $20-$50 per month and you may be required to meet a deductible or sum of money that must be paid before dental insurance benefits kick in. 2 However, finding an affordable plan that works with your oral health goals can make all the difference. Read on to learn how dental insurance works, how much it costs, and some affordable policy options Aflac offers.

Types of affordable dental insurance plans

Aflac has two low-cost dental insurance options: primary full-coverage dental insurance and supplemental dental insurance. It’s important to note that the term “full coverage dental insurance” refers to the plan’s ability to help cover a variety of different dental treatments and procedures. It is not meant to imply total coverage. Our primary dental plan helps cover routine care at an affordable price that improves over time. That’s right – your out-of-pocket costs decrease every year you have the plan. You can choose any dentist from our extensive list of participating providers. Also, waiting periods are mostly minimal, depending on the treatment you need. You can also add vision and hearing coverage to your dental plan to make sure you aren’t neglecting certain aspects of your health. We also offer supplemental dental insurance that works with your existing dental insurance to help offset gaps in coverage. This plan pays you cash benefits to help cover any dental expenses not covered by your primary plan.

What is dental insurance, and what does it cover?

Dental insurance is a type of policy that can help lower your out-of-pocket costs for dental care. A dental insurance plan from Aflac offers coverage for preventive, basic, and major services such as routine exams, fillings, and crowns. You can get dental insurance through your employer or an insurance company.

Curious how our dental plans can help support you?
You have options.

How Much Does Dental Insurance Cost?

The cost of dental insurance depends on a variety of factors, like what you want your annual maximum to be, your group’s situs state, and your coverage aims. We recommend you chat with an Aflac agent to determine what your average dental insurance cost per month might look like. Even the most affordable dental insurance plans usually consist of 4 main factors. Depending on how each of these factors are broken down, you may be able to keep your dental insurance cost per month relatively low and enjoy affordable coverage.


The deductible is an amount of money that must be paid before any dental insurance benefits kick in. 3 Not all plans require a deductible, but most PPO’s do. 2


A copay is the amount of money the insurance company requires you to pay for part of a specific service. 3 Once that portion of the service is paid for, the insurance benefits can kick in.


Coinsurance is the part of dental insurance that breaks down what percent is paid for by you and what part is paid for by insurance. 3

Annual Maximum

The annual maximum is an agreed upon amount that your dental insurance provider is willing to pay for services each year. 4 There are some dental insurance plans with no annual maximum.

Benefits of dental insurance

Here are some of the key benefits dental insurance offers:

Extensive coverage

From routine cleanings to oral surgery, dental insurance can cover a wide range of services. This can help lower the costs you’ll spend on dental care.

Affordable premiums

You can find many dental insurance plans with affordable rates. Aflac dental insurance, for instance, offers premiums that will fit most budgets.

Maintain good oral health

Having dental insurance can make dental care more affordable. You can visit the dentist regularly and receive the treatments you need without paying full price for care, which can help you maintain good oral health.

Is affordable dental insurance worth it?

Dental insurance is worth it if you are looking for additional support for minor and major dental procedures. With an Aflac dental insurance plan, the costs of cleanings, crowns, bridges, and implants can be significantly minimized. For some of our basic and preventative services, there is little to no waiting period. However, there may be a longer waiting period for more invasive surgeries and treatments. Regardless, we’ll work with you to select a plan that brings the average dental insurance cost down.

Which affordable dental insurance plan is right for me?

The right affordable dental insurance plan for you depends on your coverage needs and financial situation. Consider factors like waiting periods, coverage amounts, and your budget when deciding which type of plan is best.

Get a quote for affordable dental insurance

There are many types of affordable dental insurance for individuals and families. Aflac’s full coverage dental insurance can help provide coverage for your dental needs at a cost that fits your budget. Regular dental cleanings, crowns, and fillings can be much more manageable with an affordable dental plan. If you already have a dental plan and don’t want to make the switch, our supplemental dental insurance may be just the coverage support you and your family need.