Office of Records and Registration

Military students standing in uniform

We are all IN for supporting our veterans and dependents with reaching their educational goals, personal and professional growth! Your School Certifying Official (SCO) will be your liaison all throughout your academic journey. This person is responsible for reporting your tuition and fee information and enrollment changes to the Veterans Administration each semester. They are also responsible for monitoring your academic progress, conduct, and assuring that the courses being certified are required for your program. Our School Certifying Official is housed in the Office of Records and Registration, located in the Miles Connor Administration Building, Suite 138.


Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty

Military students can receive tuition assistance under Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty. Students must meet one of four categories of eligibility to quality for this education benefit. For a list of categories, please visit the website.

Chapter 31: Veteran Readiness and Employment

Veteran students are eligible to receive tuition assistance under Chapter 31 education benefits if they meet the following requirements:

If discharged from active duty before January 1, 2013, your eligibility period expires 12 years from either one of the dates listed below (whichever comes later):

Chapter 33: Post-9/11 GI Bill

Veteran students are eligible to receive tuition assistance under Chapter 33 education benefits if they meet one or more of the following requirements:

In addition to tuition assistance, eligible Chapter 33 education benefits recipients may also qualify for a monthly housing allowance (MHA), books and supplies, and a one-time moving expense stipend.

The Yellow Ribbon Program

Coppin State University is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program under the Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits. This program was designed to assist with higher out of state, foreign school or graduate school tuition and fees that the Post-9/11 GI Bill alone does not cover. We award a maximum of $1000 to a qualified veteran student in their undergraduate studies. STEM scholarship recipients do not qualify for Yellow Ribbon Program funding.

Chapter 35: Dependents Education Assistance (DEA)

Surviving spouses, children or dependent children of a service member are also eligible for VA education benefits. Pending the rate of coverage, survivors and dependents are eligible for full tuition and fee coverage, money for housing and books/supplies. Eligibility for Chapter 35 education benefits is explained in detail on VA's Survivor and Dependent Benefits webpage.

Chapter 1606: Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve

The MGIB-SR program offers a monthly stipend to help offset the education expenses for Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard Reserve, National Guard or Air National Guard members.

Chapter 1607: Reserve Educational Assistance Program

Download the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) fact sheet (PDF) for information about REAP education benefits.

Close up shot of waved flag of United States of America

VA Education Benefits

We always encourage prospective students planning to take advantage of their VA education benefits to frequently check for the most up to date and accurate information about the VA Education and Training Benefits program.

General Veteran Student Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for VA education benefits?

Military students can begin their VA education benefits application online, via mail or in-person.

Online: Complete and submit your VA Educations Benefits Application online.

Mail: Call The Education Call Center at (888) 442-4551 to receive an application via postal mail.

In Person: You can also visit your local VA regional office. Locate the office nearest you.

What’s the average cost of attending Coppin State University?

Coppin State University ranks as one of the most affordable colleges and universities in Maryland, yet our average cost of attendance varies annually. Please visit Tuition and fees to view the cost of attendance for the current and previous years.

What’s your enrollment verification and ongoing certification process?

Military students will complete and submit their Enrollment Certification Request Form to our School Certifying Official (SCO) every semester they’re enrolled or wish to receive VA education benefits. A copy of your Certificate of Eligibility letter is needed with your first enrollment certification. The Enrollment Certification form must be submitted within 30 days after the start of the semester. Changes that occur to your enrollment during the semester (course adds, drops, swaps, withdrawals) must be reported to the SCO.

Self-Enrollment Verification: In addition to submitting your Enrollment Certification form, students receiving Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607 benefits must verify their attendance at the end of each month using the WAVE portal.

Students under the Post-9/11 GI Bill receiving monthly housing allowances and a kicker payment must report their monthly enrollment via text or by phone. Call the Education Call Center (888) 442-4551 to begin this process.

Will I receive credit for prior military training and courses taken?

Coppin State University accepts up to 70 credits of prior learning from community colleges and up to 90 credits from four-year institutions. We also accept and evaluate all Joint Services Transcripts (JST) for applicable credits.

What is The Yellow Ribbon Program and are the benefits applicable to survivors and dependent children of service members?

The Yellow Ribbon Program is an agreement between an institution of higher learning and the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist with out of state, and graduate school tuition and fees that exceed the Post-9/11 GI Bill allowed amount. Funding is only available to veterans who meet the criteria for the Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits. If you are a dependent or spouse of a veteran under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you must be eligible for Transfer of Entitlement (TOE). Visit the VA website for more information about the TOE process. Yellow Ribbon program funding is available for a maximum of 8 students who meet the requirements. A maximum of $1000 is awarded to each student each year.

What is the Readmissions Policy for military students should they have to discontinue their studies due to service obligations?

We understand your commitment to our country can potentially halt or delay your academic advancement, but we are fully prepared to get you back on track to degree completion. Undergraduate military students returning after service related obligations or personal reasons will follow the standard Readmission process and procedures. Students in their graduate studies will contact the School of Graduate Studies to begin their reinstatement.

Am I eligible for federal student aid if I’m receiving VA Education Benefits?

Students are still eligible to access federal/state grants and VA benefits concurrently; however, the total amount of grants and VA education benefits cannot exceed your tuition and fees for that semester.

Both of my parents are service members. Am I able to utilize their education benefits concurrently?

Concurrent access to both of your parents' education benefits is possible. You would still be limited to a maximum of 36 or 45 months of available benefits. Deductions will occur from each entitlement source on a monthly basis.

What is your policy on returning unearned tuition assistance if a service member withdraws from a course?

As part of our responsibility to the student, we must do our due diligence in complying with the Department of Defense's policy for returning unearned tuition assistance. If a service member withdraws from a course before the 60% completion date, we must document the withdrawal and return the unused tuition assistance funds for that semester. Below is an example of the funds returned in a semester/session based on the withdrawal timeframe:

15-Week semester

Withdrawal Timeframe

% of Funds Returned

0% Return. Course is 60% completed

9-Weeks Session

Withdrawal Timeframe

% of Funds Returned

0% Return. Course is 60% completed

7- Weeks Session

Withdrawal Timeframe

% of Funds Returned

0% Return. Course is 60% completed

6-Weeks Session

Withdrawal Timeframe

% of Funds Returned

0% Return. Course is 60% completed

3-Weeks Session

Withdrawal Timeframe

% of Funds Returned

0% Return. Course is 60% completed

Related Pages


Contact the School Certifying Official at if you have any questions or concerns.

Tiffanie Means

Administrative Coordinator

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Mark Ghee

Technology Manager

Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program

Office of Records and Registration

Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program

Email us Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Miles Connor Bldg. 1st Floor (410) 951-3701

The Permission to Enroll at Another Institution (PTE) option allows students to take a course at other community colleges and 4-year institutions inside and outside of Maryland that are not part of the USM system. Under the PTE program, your course work will be considered as “transfer” credit and will not count in your GPA.

Registration Procedures

  1. Contact the academic department(s) offering the course(s) at the host institution where you plan to register to find a course comparable to your program of study. You can use ARTSYS to get a general idea of transferability. Also, determine if special permission is needed.
  2. Complete the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Form (PTE) [Note: Under Institution where coursework will be done, enter host information name, address, course information, and number of credits. Also provide a justification for taking the course at another institution along with the course equivalency at CSU (home) home institution and number of credits. Please consult the Schedule of Classes of the host institution for this information.]
  3. Copy and attach course description(s) from your home and host institution for the course(s).
  4. Request approval and signature from your academic advisor. Students in senior status must also have signature approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost at their home institution. Your academic department will forward the completed PTE form to the CSU Records Office. The Records Office will register you for a generic REGI 490 course to reflect the number of credits you wish to take at the host institution. This is for billing and enrollment purposes only and does NOT guarantee course availability at the host institution.
  5. You will receive email notification when the PTE form has been received and forwarded to the host institution for processing. Once you have received “Home” institution approval, take the PTE Form to the “Host” institution and register for your class
  6. Submit approved Permission to Enroll at Another Institution forms to your home institution’s Records Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Form what do I do with it?

The Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Form is available on the CSU website. Download and complete the Student Information part of the form and take the form to your academic department advisor for their assistance in completing the Registration Information portion. They can provide you with the “Home Equivalent” course information and signatures for academic approval. Your academic department will forward the completed IIR form to the CSU Registrar Office. The Records Office will register you for a generic REGI 490 course to reflect the number of credits you wish to take at the host institution. This is for billing and enrollment purposes only and does NOT guarantee course availability at the host institution. You will receive an email notification when the IIR form has been processed. After you receive home institution approval, take the PTE form to the host institution, and register for your class.

What are the minimum requirements for participating in the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program?

Participants must be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must be currently enrolled at CSU as a full-time student in a minimum of 12 credits.

Which school do I pay?

Students will pay tuition and fees for courses to the institution where you will be taking the course. Special permits, parking, or other fees at the other institution are the responsibility of the student.

How will I get my final grades?

It is the students’ responsibility to provide the Records Office with a sealed official transcript your coursework.

More registration resources

Every student has a different journey. Learn what you need to know so your journey to Coppin is a successful one.

Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program

Office of Records and Registration

Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program

Email us Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Miles Connor Bldg. 1st Floor (410) 951-3701

Collegetown’s Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP) allows Coppin State University undergraduate students to enroll in selected courses not offered at their home institution at any host campus in the network while paying tuition at their home schools. All (BSEP) registrations must be coordinated through the CSU BSEP Coordinator/Registrar at 410-951-3709 or by email at

Collegetown (BSEP) institutions include:

Eligibility and Restrictions

Registration Procedures

  1. Read and abide by all policies and restrictions of the Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program.
  2. Contact the academic department(s) offering the course(s) at the host institution where you plan to register to determine if special permission is needed.
  3. Download and complete the Baltimore Student Exchange Application (BSEP) then take the form to your Academic Advisor for assistance in completing the “Course Information” section. They can provide you with the course and CSU equivalency information and signatures for academic approval. [Note: In Section 2 “Course & Semester Information for Visiting Institution,” the course information refers to the class(es) you wish to take the host institution. Please consult the Schedule of Classes of the host institution for this information.]
  4. Attach course description(s) from the home and host institution for the course(s).
  5. Your academic department will forward the completed BSEP form to the CSU Records Office. The Records Office will register you for a generic REGI 490 course to reflect the number of credits you wish to take at the host institution. This is for billing and enrollment purposes only and does NOT guarantee course availability at the host institution
  6. You will receive email notification when the BSEP form has been received and forwarded to the host institution for processing. Once you have received “Home” institution approval, take the BSEP form to the “Host” institution and register for your class.

Course Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are paid at the home institution. Students are responsible for paying any additional fees associated with certain courses (e.g., studio fees, lab fees, books, study materials, special permits, parking, and other fees at the host institution.

Courses and Grades

  1. Courses should be applicable to the student’s degree requirements at their home institutions.
  2. Institution determines which courses are appropriate for meeting specific degree requirements.
  3. Students are expected to take courses for regular grades and may not audit classes.
  4. Credits are included in calculating student total academic hours earned, quality points, attempted hours, and grade point averages according to its grading policies.
  5. If the course is canceled, or you want to change or drop the course, or you are unable to get approval to enroll, contact CSU Registrar immediately. You must NOT drop the course through Registration (Drop/Add) in Eagle Links. The CSU Registrar Office will notify the host institution and make the appropriate changes. Failure to notify the CSU Records Office could result in failing grades assigned to your record.
  6. At the end of the semester, the host institutions will send CSU Records Office official transcripts for grades earned from BSEP course(s) for posting to CSU records. These credits/grades are added to your CSU record, to include your total academic hours earned, quality points, and attempted hours in calculating your CSU cumulative grade point average.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

If you are interested in taking a class at another campus, check the course catalogs to see what is available. Once you find a class, talk with your academic advisor to make sure it will work with your program and then go to your campus registrar’s office, and they will set it up with the host campus.

Who Can Participate in BSEP?

Matriculated, degree-seeking undergraduates from participating institutions. First year students are not eligible. If you are a part-time student, you must be enrolled in the same number of credits at your home institution as your BSEP institution.

Is there a limit on the number of classes I can take through BSEP?

Yes, students may cross register for up to two courses per year and may not cross register for more than eight courses during their academic careers.

Can I take my BSEP class as Pass/Fail or Audit?

No, students participating in BSEP programs are expected to take courses for regular grades, unless granted special permission by home institution.

Will my grade in my BSEP class display on my home institution transcript?

Yes, your credits and courses are posted to your academic record at your home institution and calculated in your academic totals (earned hours, quality hours, attempted hours, quality or grade point average). Your home institution also determines the course’s applicability toward degree requirements.

Is there any extra cost for taking a class through BSEP?

Generally, no. Students pay tuition and fees to your home institution. Some courses, however, may require an additional fee to cover materials, facilities, or equipment use and cannot be waived. In this case, these fees will be paid to the host institution.

How do I register for my BSEP class?

The registrar on your home campus will help you cross register at another campus.

More registration resources

Every student has a different journey. Learn what you need to know so your journey to Coppin is a successful one.

University System of Maryland Inter-Institutional Registration

Office of Records and Registration

University System of Maryland Inter-Institutional Registration

Email us Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Miles Connor Bldg. 1st Floor (410) 951-3701

Inter-institutional Registration (IIR) is a program that allows qualifying undergraduate students at University System of Maryland (USM) institutions to take selected courses at other USM campuses while paying tuition at their home schools. This program provides an opportunity for Coppin State University (CSU) or visiting students to augment their degree programs at their home institution. The provision for such is contained in the Board of Regents’ Policy on Student Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration (BOR III 2.40; III 2.41).

Students register for courses at both their home and host institutions but are billed only by their home institutions. All inter-institutional registrations must be coordinated through the CSU IIR Coordinator in the CSU Registrar’s Office at 410-951-3709 or

USM Institutions

University System of Maryland institutions include:

Eligibility and Restrictions

Registration Procedures for CSU and Visiting Students

  1. Read and abide by all policies and restrictions of the University System of Maryland Inter-Institutional Registration (IIR) program.
  2. Contact the department(s) offering the course(s) at the institution where you plan to take the course(s) to determine if special permission is needed. If so, you must obtain written permission through an email or on department letterhead.
  3. Obtain an Inter-Institutional Enrollment Application from the CSU website or the Office of Records and Registration.
  4. Complete the Student Information part of the form then take the form to your Academic Advisor for assistance in completing the Registration Information portion. They can provide you with the “Home Equivalent” course information and signatures for academic approval. [Note: Under the “Registration Information" section the semester and year of enrollment refers to the class(es) you wish to take at the host institution, and the CSU course equivalency. Please consult the Schedule of Classes of the home and host institution for this information.]
  5. Your academic department will forward the completed IIR form to the CSU Office of Records and Registration. The Office of Records and Registration will register you for a generic REGI 490 course to reflect the number of credits you wish to take at the host institution. This is for billing and enrollment purposes only and does NOT guarantee course availability at the host institution.
  6. You will receive email notification when the IIR form has been received and forwarded to the host institution for processing. Once you have received “Home” institution approval, take the IIR Form to the “Host” institution and register for your class.

Course Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are paid at the home institution. Students are responsible for paying any additional fees associated with certain courses (e.g., studio fees, lab fees, books, study materials, special permits, parking, and other fees at the host institution.

Courses and Grades

  1. Courses should be applicable to the student’s degree requirements at their home institutions.
  2. Institution determines which courses are appropriate for meeting specific degree requirements.
  3. Students are expected to take courses for regular grades and may not audit classes.
  4. Credits are included in calculating student total academic hours earned, quality points, attempted hours, and grade point averages according to its grading policies.
  5. If the course is canceled, or you want to change or drop the course, or you are unable to get approval to enroll, contact CSU Office of Records and Registration immediately. You must NOT drop the course through Registration (Drop/Add) in EagleLinks. The CSU Office of Records and Registration will notify the host institution and make the appropriate changes. Failure to notify the CSU Office of Records and Registration could result in failing grades assigned to your record.
  6. At the end of the semester, the host institution will send CSU Office of Records and Registration official transcripts for grades earned from IIR course(s) for posting to CSU records. These credits/grades are added to your CSU record, to include your total academic hours earned, quality points, and attempted hours in calculating your CSU cumulative grade point average.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which schools are part of University System of Maryland?

There are 11 participating schools: Bowie State University, University of Maryland Baltimore, Coppin State University, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Frostburg State University, University of Maryland, College Park, Salisbury University, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Towson University, University of Maryland University College, University of Baltimore Fact: Inter-Institutional Registration Program is only available for Fall and Spring semesters.

Where can I find the Inter-Institutional Registration (IIR) Form and what do I do with it?

IIR Registration forms are on the CSU website and in the CSU Office of Records and Registration. Complete the Student Information part of the form and take the form to your Academic Advisor for assistance in completing the Registration Information portion. They can provide you with the “Home Equivalent” course information and signatures for academic approval. Retain a copy of the form for your records. Your academic department will forward the completed IIR Form at the Records Office. You will receive an email notification when the form has been processed and forwarded to the host institution for processing. Once you have received “Home” institution approval, take the IIR Form to the “Host” institution and register for your class.

What are the minimum requirements for participating in the Inter-Institutional Registration Program?

Undergraduate students must be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or above. Students must be at sophomore status and currently enrolled as a full-time CSU student with a minimum of 12 credits.

Which school do I pay?

Students will pay tuition & fees for courses to CSU (the home institution) unless otherwise indicated. Special fees, parking permits, or other fees at the host institution are the responsibility of the student.

I have completed a course, but it is not showing up on my Degree Progress Report or Transcript.

When the CSU Office of Records and Registration processes your IIR Form, you are placed in a generic REGI 490 course for the semester that you are taking the course. If a course that you took is not appearing on your Advising Report, we have not received an official transcript for your coursework. It is the students’ responsibility to provide the CSU Office of Records and Registration with an official transcript of your coursework.

What is the difference in the IIR Program and the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program?

The IIR Program is a collaboration between USM system institutions and selected Maryland institutions. As such, your course work and grades are considered as “resident credit” and will count in your GPA. On the other hand, the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program (PTE) enables students to take courses at community colleges and 4-year institutions outside of the University of Maryland Consortium agreements. Under PTE, your course work will be considered as “transfer” credit and will not count in your GPA.

How do I register for classes?

  1. Contact academic department(s) offering the course(s) at the host institution where you plan to register to determine if special permission is needed. If so, obtain permission.
  2. Download and complete the Inter-Institutional Enrollment Application.
  3. Copy and attach course description(s) from your home and host institution for the course(s).
  4. Obtain course equivalency approval and signature from your academic department Chairperson and Dean. Academic department will forward your IIR application to the CSU Office of Records and Registration for processing.
  5. Notification will be sent to you from the host institution via email once you are registered for the course(s).

More registration resources

Every student has a different journey. Learn what you need to know so your journey to Coppin is a successful one.

Consortium and Inter-Institutional Programs

Office of Records and Registration

Consortium and Inter-Institutional Programs

Email us Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Miles Connor Bldg. 1st Floor (410) 951-3701

Coppin State University offers a variety of cross registration options that enable students to take classes at other institutions to accumulate credits towards their degree.

Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program

Take courses at community colleges and 4-year institutions outside of the University of Maryland Consortium agreements. With home institution approval, students register and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution when registering for the classes.

Inter-Institutional Enrollment Program

Undergraduate students at University System of Maryland (USM) institutions can take selected courses at other USM campuses while paying tuition at their home schools.

Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program

Undergraduate students can enroll in courses not offered at their home institution while paying tuition at their home schools. Students must read and abide by the policies of the Inter-Institutional enrollment program and Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP).

NOTE: Registrations, course changes including drop/withdrawals/grading for all CSU consortium and cross registration options (IIR, BSEP or PTE) must be coordinated through the CSU IIR/BSEP Coordinator/Registrar Office at 410-951-3709 or at

Close up of a student in the classroom

What is the difference in the Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP), Inter-Institutional Registration Program (IIR) and the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program (PTE)?

The BSEP and IIR program applies your course work as “resident credit” the course will count in your GPA. The PTE program allows you take courses at other community colleges and 4-year institutions inside and outside of Maryland that are not part of the USM system. Under the PTE program, your course work will be considered as “transfer” credit and will not count in your GPA.

More registration resources

Every student has a different journey. Learn what you need to know so your journey to Coppin is a successful one.

Grade Point Average

Records and Registration

Grade Point Average

Email us Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Miles Connor Building, 1st Floor (410) 951-3701

How to Calculate your GPA

In determining grade point averages the following computation is used:

Grade Quality Points
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F, FTC, FX 0

The current semester grade point average is computed by following three steps. First, find the sum of the quality points obtained by multiply the hours assigned to each course by the quality points assigned to the grade earned in the course. Second, find the total number of quality hours by adding the total number of hours for all courses taken during the semester. Third, divide the total number of quality points by the total number of quality hours. For example:

4 credit (quality) hours of A (4 points) = 16 quality points
4 credit (quality) hours of B (3 points) = 12 quality points
3 credit (quality) hours of C (2 points) = 06 quality points
3 credit (quality) hours of D (1 point) = 03 quality points
2 credit (quality) hours of F (0 points) = 00 quality points
16 total credit (quality) hours=37 quality points

Current semester grade point average=2.31

The student's grade point average for this semester, 2.31, is the result of dividing 37 by 16. The student's cumulative grade point average is found by dividing the total quality points earned in all courses completed at Coppin by the total number of quality hours at Coppin. Quality hours are associated only with courses that earn graduation credit.

GPA Calculator

Not sure about your GPA? Use this tool to calculate yours.

How to calculate your GPA with Transfer Credits to Determine Latin Honors

Here is an example of how to calculate your GPA with transfer credits:

Transfer Credits Maryland Community College

Courses Course Name Total Credits Transfer Grade Total Quality Points
ENGL 101 English Composition I 3 TC 3 x 2 = 6
ENGL 102 English Composition II 3 TC 3 x 2 = 6
BIOL 101 Biology 4 TC 4 x 2 = 8
PSYCH 210 Psychology 3 TC 3 x 2 = 6
MATH 113 College Math 3 TC 3 x 2 = 6

Total Credits: 16

Total Quality Points: 32

Coppin State University

Total Credits Earned at Coppin State University: 104

Total Quality Points Earned at Coppin State University: 356

Grade Point Average at Coppin State University: 356 ÷ 104 = 3.42

Computation of Grade Point Average for Honors

Credit Type Total Credits Total Quality Points
Transfer Credits 16 32
CSU 104 365
Totals: 120 388

Overall Grade Point Average for Honors: 388 ÷ 120 = 3.23 (Not Qualified for Honors)

The Latin Honors and Grade Point Averages are Outlined Below:

To graduate Summa Cum Laude ("Highest Honors"), students must:

To graduate Magna Cum Laude ("High Honors"), students must:

To graduate Cum Laude ("Honors"), students must:

Consideration for honors at graduation for any Coppin undergraduate student (transfer or non- transfer) will be determined by the cumulative grade point average of all University work entered into the undergraduate student's permanent academic record, regardless of where the work was pursued. In addition to meeting the appropriate grade point average, any student graduating with honors shall have earned not more than one grade of 'D' or 'F'.