Goals for Employees Who Are Always Late

If punctuality truly is "the politeness of kings," then many Americans embrace a commoner mentality. Workplace research consistently shows that about 15 to 20 percent of adults are latecomers – late for appointments, late for meetings and late for work, sometimes every day. Like many people in the latter category, you may know that it's time to change, but when you're honest about it, you lack the conviction and sensible tactics necessary to make the change come about.

Setting attendance and punctuality goals are all well and good (if they work for you), but what you really need is an action plan for your tardiness – a practical, three-step plan that helps you reign over your punctuality problem once and for all.

Employees Who Are Always Late Don't Value Punctuality

Sliding down the punctuality learning curve may have its painful moments, but try to take the long view: Any pain should be temporary and ultimately replaced with a newfound sense of self-respect. Start with the word itself – literally – as Step 1 in your three-step plan. People who prize punctuality consider it a value, right up there with honesty, kindness and integrity. They also value others' time, Fairygodboss maintains. By contrast, people who embrace a live and let live attitude about time are more likely to consider punctuality a quality. Maybe they're punctual (just as maybe they're flexible, patient or persistent), or maybe they're not.

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You can probably guess which category many bosses fall into. Like landlines and lunchroom bulletin boards, punctuality never goes out of style in the workplace. It will always be relevant to your career, Robert Half notes, because it shows you're dependable, organized, professional and respect your coworkers. When you take punctuality seriously, you should proceed through the other two steps as if you were moving with the grain – naturally and easily – not against it and certainly not fighting it.

Take the Second Step in Meeting Your Attendance and Punctuality Goals

There are two other precursors to setting realistic goals for your new on-time life. Once you accomplish these, all the heavy lifting will be behind you. First, take a good, hard look at your morning routine from the second your feet hit the floor as you get out of bed to the moment you step outside the door to get into your car, Develop Good Habits recommends. Everything you do, from brushing your teeth to putting on your shoes, takes time. So clock each activity and add up the total amount of minutes your morning routine takes.

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To be sure, there is value in knowing how much time you're spending on your morning activities, but the true value and link to being punctual is knowing when to draw the line and speed things up so that you're not late for work. For example, if it takes about five minutes for you to enjoy a quick cup of coffee in the morning and you realize one day that you're lingering over the sink, well into your 12th minute, you know you need to trim seven minutes from your routine – somewhere – so that you're not late for work.

Moreover, you could solve your punctuality problem in one fell swoop if you could identify at least one activity that you could do the day or night before to save time in the morning. Consider showering in the evening instead of the morning; prime the coffee maker and set the timer; select and lay out a work outfit; prep a lunch; or review and sign children's homework. While everybody's morning routine is different, something is invariably acting as a time snatcher. If you can identify yours, you can probably defeat it.

Complete Your Action Plan for Tardiness

Just as highly effective people are known to be bound by certain commonalities, time management experts say that punctual people share some habits, too. You don't need to follow a list of 25 pointers; interestingly, the best two revolve around sleep. Goodnet points out that people who are usually on time insist on getting enough sleep every night, so they're not fighting fatigue – or at least crippling fatigue – in the morning. When the alarm goes off, they get up; they don't hit the snooze button, lie around or go back to sleep.

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The last goal may be the toughest to achieve and perhaps the most unnecessary if you make progress on other fronts. It's borne from the idea that late arrivals tend to be poor planners and sometimes poor executors, too. They're the ones who constantly run into traffic jams but can never seem to find a quick way around them. If this sounds like you, integrating a 10- or 15-minute cushion into your morning routine is an easy answer. Admittedly, the time may not be easy to produce, but then, that's partly how punctuality found itself elevated to "the politeness of kings."
